+603 8060 8676 [email protected]

The Conference Room Ecosystem For You


 The Shure Stem Ecosystem™ gives you the freedom to create, manage, and scale your meeting space audio the way you want it. Address your essential conferencing needs and achieve the perfect, high-quality pickup across your organization, with straightforward solutions designed for any room.

Why Stem Audio?

In this era where video conferencing system become a daily must, Stem Audio Ecosystem made things simple and affordable by eliminating the common pains in a conventional conference system in term of design, build and opearation.

Check out the video to understand more!






With Stem, you have the freedom to mix and match Ceiling, Table, Wall and Speaker to meet your needs for every room.

Flexible Workspace with Shure Stem Ecosystem at Common Ground Malaysia.

Common Ground is Malaysia’s largest coworking community and leading workspace that has been established for more than 5 years. Their co-working spaces are designed to cater to the needs of modern workers, with focus on collaboration, innovation, and flexibility. As a…